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The Yamas - Online
Take your yoga practice off your mat
The Yamas
Your yoga practice doesn't end when you leave the mat.
During this course you are going to explore the ancient Yogic ethical guidlines called the Yamas. The physical side of yoga is just one amazing benefit to the practice, but during this course, we will deepen our self-awareness and our yogic ways off the mat.
Yamas originate from the ancient Indian philosophical text, 'The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali'. The self-awareness you gain by practicing the five yamas can help you transform negative energy and cultivate a deep, abiding sense of peace.
The yamas are really about restraining behaviours that are motivated by grasping, aversion, hatred, and delusion.
In this course you will gain an understanding of each yama. With a weekly lecture on one of the yamas, learning and reflecting on how that may show up in your life. We don’t just look at the surface of it, we move through the layers and the subtle ways things can show up in our lives. Then you’ll be guided through a physical practice, and support your body to open up physically and deepen your self awareness.
Once knowing these Yamas, you’ll have a framework to reflect back on in decision making, even those small daily decisions that we think don’t matter, they do, as they create the life and vibe that we live.
Let’s take your yogic practice off the mat and use this ancient knowledge in practical ways to grow and expand yourself and your life.